Offer: Get a 1-hour Acupuncture Facial which targets fine lines and wrinkles. Acupuncture: Fine, sterile needles are strategically placed along the face, stimulating the body’s energy flow and promoting circulation to the skin’s surface. Non-Invasive: This non-invasive treatment targets fine lines, wrinkles, sagging skin, and other common facial concerns, resulting in a rejuvenated and radiant appearance. Treatment: By addressing both the physical and energetic aspects of your skin, Facial Enhancement Acupuncture offers a safe, natural, and effective alternative to invasive procedures. AMB Acupuncture: At AMB Acupuncture a qualified therapist trained in Traditional Chinese Medicine and 5- Element Acupuncture will listen to your needs and provide a treatment tailored to you. Location: AMB Acupuncture is located in Nottingham. Valid: Mon, Fri & Sat – 12.30pm – 8pm.
1 Hour Facial Enhancement Acupuncture – Targets Fine Lines & Wrinkles – AMB Acupuncture, Nottingham