Salt Therapy: Dry Salt Therapy (aka Halotherapy) is using pure pharmaceutical grade sodium chloride that is dispersed by a Halogenerator into the Salt Room. Benefits: As the dry salt gets inhaled, scientific research has proven that inhalation of dry salts through the sinuses and respiratory tract, helps clear bacteria. Lastly, it can help skin conditions such as psoriasis, eczema and acne. Wellness: Dry Salt Therapy, also known as Halotherapy, benefits adults and children alike as well as athletes and animals. It is natural and safe and there are no harmful side effects. Perfect For: Those wanting to try a new treatment and let their child try something new too! Location: The Glasgow Salt Room is can be found in the House of Sher Shopping Mall in Kingston, Glasgow. Valid: This deal is valid Tue, Wed, Fri & Sat, 10am – 6pm; Thu, 10am – 9pm.
45-min Salt Therapy Session for Adults and Children