Acupuncture assessment: Get acupuncture ready with today’s deal! Consultation: An acupuncturist will ask about your health history and other relevant information. After a thorough examination, the Acupuncturist will set out an appropriate method to apply. Personal: The practice isn’t the same for all. Instead, it’s applied to the individual’s symptoms and needs. The treatment: The needles are kept for about 10 – 20 minutes and the entire session lasts for approximately 30 mins. Some people might feel some slight discomfort. Location: You can find Ann Physiocare in Tonbridge, Croydon or Cardiff. Valid: Mon – Fri, 9am – 5pm.
Acupuncture Initial Assessment – 30-Mins – 3 Locations
£24 instead of £45 for a 30-min acupuncture initial assessment at Ann Physiocare – save up to 47%