Event: Prepare for a delightful blend of comedy and education with RentaDinosaur’s “Dr. Fossil” show! Led by the wacky Dr. Fossil and his witty assistants. Live: Discover the fascinating world of fossils, dinosaur teeth, and prehistoric treasures… and of course, some RAW-inspiring LIVE dinosaurs! Funny: Be prepared for a perfect mix of laughter and learning, as the “Dr. Fossil” show takes you on a unique journey through the enchanting world of dinosaurs. For all: This interactive performance is perfect for an audience of wranglers of all ages! Gift: Surprise any little or big dinosaur lover with a fun gift! Location: Head to Betteshanger Park for this rawr-some show. Valid: 15th or 16th Jun, 11am or 1pm!
The T Rex Takeover & The Fabulous Dr Fossil Show – 15th & 16th Jun