Session: Get an acupuncture session with a consultation included! Consultation: Talk to professional and they will tell you all about the treatment and what to expect! Benefits: Research into acupuncture has also shown that it naturally activates specific neurochemistry in the brain which improves pain modulation and assists in the natural healing processes that enhance recovery. Popular: Acupuncture is widely used in NHS practices and many hospitals in the UK. It is used to treat pain, Inflammation and other symptoms caused by muscular disorders. Treat: The sessions aims to help with migraines, chronic joint pain, postoperative pain, arthritis, whiplash and many more! Valid: Mon, 10am-6pm; Tue-Wed, 6am-10pm; Thu, 6am-1pm; Fri 6am-2pm; Sat, 8am-10pm; Sun, 2pm-10pm.
Acupuncture & Consultation Session – Bath