
Pirates Walking Tour – Tower Hill, London – Family Ticket Option! Price £ 2.00

Pirates Walking Tour – Tower Hill, London – Family Ticket Option! Price £ 2.00
Pirates Walking Tour – Tower Hill, London – Family Ticket Option! Price £ 2.00

Walking tour: Looking to plunder the depths of pirate knowledge hidden in London? Head out on a jolly family walking tour with Sierra Tours. Pirates: Learn about famous pirates like Captain Kidd and walk in their footsteps before they reached Wapping and its execution dock and have a drink at the oldest riverside tavern in London. Tour guides: Guided by one of the trained and qualified guides, they will talk you through each landmark and provide you with fascinating facts you might not have heard before! Family fun: Bring the whole family along for the journey and make some treasured memories. Duration: The tour will last between 90-120 minutes so keep a lemon close to keep the scurvy at bay! Valid: Every Sunday at 3pm.

Pirates Walking Tour – Tower Hill, London – Family Ticket Option!

£2 instead of £4 for a child’s Pirates walking tour ticket from Sierra Walking Tours, London, £4 for an adult ticket, or £11 for a family ticket for two children and two adults – save up to 60%


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